Rabu, 26 September 2018


Teaching Plan
          PSU Bayambang has different format in making their lesson. Their lessons were written in two ways the semi-detailed and detailed lesson plan. The lesson in the Philippines are divided in different parts. First is the objective, it is your aim  or goal to be achieved after the class discussion. Your objective is divided into three: cognitive or knowledge, psychomotor or skills  and affective or attitude. Preliminary Activities, this include the prayer, checking of attendance and review. Presentation of the lesson, this a time that the teacher presents his or her new lesson. Next is the discussion wherein the teacher engaged his or her students in learning. Generalization, this is a part where the students give their own understanding to the new lesson. Not only that but also the  summary of the topic. Evaluation, where you are going to assess the students. This is a part wherein you are going to achieved your objectives. In assessing your students you can use a rubric. Most of the teachers use Performance Task to assess the students. Last, the assignment. The purpose of assignment is to maintain the learning even outside the school.
Curiculum in the PSU Laboratory Integrated High School at Bayambang use K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. The format curriculum like below;
1.       The Universe and Solar System
2.       Earth systems
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
1.       The formation of the universe and the solar system
2.       The subsystems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) that make up the Earth
The learners shall be able to…

make a concept map and use it to explain how the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are interconnected
The learners…

1.       describe the historical development of theories that explain the origin of the Universe
2.       compare the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the Solar System
3.    describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life
4.    explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy flow

Teaching Plan
Education Unit          : Integrated High School
Subject                       : Earth Science
Grade                         : 11
Allocated Time          : 1 meeting x 1 hour
I.                   Objectives
At the end of a 60-minute discussion, the students should be able to :
A.    Define the Solar System;
B.     Describe the structure and composition of the universe;
C.     Name the different planets of solar system;
D.    Explain the Big Bang Theory; and
E.     Appreciate the importance of Solar System in human life.
II.                Subject Matter
A.    Topic                    : The Origin and Structure of Earth
Subtopic               : The Origin of Solar System
B.     References           :
Olivar II, Jose Tolentino., Rodolfo, Raymond S., and Hillel B. Cabria. 2016. Exploring Life Through Science Series: Earth Science. Quezon: Phoenix.
C.    Materials              : Computer generated slides, marker and board,
instructional material and printed pictures
D.    Science Concept  : Observing, identifying, differentiating
III.             Procedure
A.    Preliminary Activities
1.      Prayer
2.      Greetings
3.      Checking attendance
4.      Recall
The teacher asks the students about the previous lessons that are related to the current topic to the students.
Guide questions :
a.       How did everything as we know it today, come into being?
b.      What is the Big Bang theory?
5.      Pre-test
-          The teacher will divide the students into 6 groups
-          The teacher will let the students answer the game name fact or bluff
a.       The universe as we currently know it comprises all space and time, and all matter and energy in it. (FACT)
b.      The universe is at least 4.5 – 4.6 billion years old. (BLUFF)
“It’s 13.8 billion of years old, while the Solar System is at least 4.5 – 4.6 billion of years old.
c.       The Solar System as part of the Milky Way is located at the outer limb of the galaxy.
6.      Motivation
The teacher will provide motivation by showing students some puzzle words of some of some pictures about Solar System in daily life.

A.    Development of Lesson
1.      The teacher will introduce the origin of the Solar System.
2.      The teacher will discuss the lesson
a.       Encounter hypothesis
b.      Nebular hypothesis
c.       Protoplanet hypothesis
2.      The teacher will give random pictures of planets
B.     Post-Developmental Activities
1.      Generalization
The teacher will present the picture of Solar System.
2.      Evaluation
The teacher will ask one of the students to summarize the lesson.
Guide questions :
a.       What is the definition of Solar System?
b.       What are the structure and composition of the universe?
c.       What is the Big Bang theory?
Education Unit          : Integrated High School
Subject                       : Earth Science
Grade                         : 11
Allocated Time          : 1 meeting x 1 hour
A.             I.          Objectives
At the end of a 60-minute discussion, the students should be able to :
A.    Describe the unique characteristics of Earth;
B.     Explain the difference between life on Earth and the other planets; and
C.     Appreciate the importance requirements that are necessary in supporting life on Earth.
II.                Subject Matter
A.    Topic                    : The Origin and Structure of Earth
Subtopic               : Life on Earth
B.     References           :
Olivar II, Jose Tolentino., Rodolfo, Raymond S., and Hillel B. Cabria. 2016. Exploring Life Through Science Series: Earth Science. Quezon: Phoenix.
C.    Materials              : Computer generated slides, marker and board, instructional material
and handout
D.    Science Concept  : Observing, differentiating, appreciating
III.             Procedure
A.    Preliminary Activities
1.      Prayer
2.      Greetings
3.      Checking attendance
4.      Recall
The teacher asks the students about the previous lessons that are related to the current topic to the students. 
Guide questions :
a.       What are the unique characteristics of Earth that allow the existence of life?
b.      What are the important requirements that are necessary supporting life on Earth?
c.       Have you ever imagine how is your life without water?
B.     Development of Lesson
1.      The teacher will introduce life on Earth.
2.      The teacher will discuss the lesson
a.       Liquid water
b.      Heat source
c.       Atmosphere
3.      The teacher will give picture layers of atmosphere
C.    Post-Developmental Activities
1.      Generalization

The teacher will present a picture layers of atmosphere
2.      Evaluation
The teacher will ask one of the students to summarize the lesson.
Guide questions :
a.       What are the unique characteristics of Earth?
b.       What are the difference between life on Earth and the other planets?
c.       What are the important requirements that are necessary in supporting life on Earth?
Education Unit          : Integrated High School
Subject                       : Earth Science
Grade                         : 11
Allocated Time          : 1 meeting x 1 hour
I.                   Objectives
At the end of a 60-minute discussion, the students should be able to :
A.    Describe the Earth’s Subsystems;
B.      Explain how Earth’s subsystems affect each other; and
C.     Appreciate the importance of Earth’s subsystems in human life.
II.                Subject Matter
A.    Topic                    : The Origin and Structure of Earth
Subtopic               : Earth’s Subsystems
B.     References           :
Olivar II, Jose Tolentino., Rodolfo, Raymond S., and Hillel B. Cabria. 2016. Exploring Life Through Science Series: Earth Science. Quezon: Phoenix.
C.     Materials              : Computer generated slides, marker and board, instructional material
and handout
D.    Science Concept  : Observing, describing, appreciating
III.             Procedure
A.    Preliminary Activities
1.      Prayer
2.      Greetings
3.      Checking attendance
4.      Recall
The teacher asks the students about the previous lessons that are related to the current topic to the students.
Guide questions :
a.       How do Earth’s subsystems affect each other?
b.      How important are the relationships and interactions between the subsystems that make up Earth?
B.     Development of Lesson
1.      The teacher will introduce the Earth’s subsystems.
2.      The teacher will discuss the lesson about Carbon Cycle.
C.    Post-Developmental Activities
1.      Generalization
The teacher will present a picture of Carbon Cycle
2.      Evaluation
The teacher will ask one of the students to summarize the lesson.
Guide questions :
a.       What are the unique characteristics of Earth?
b.      What are the difference between life on Earth and the other planets?
c.    What are the important requirements that are necessary in supporting life on Earth?

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